"How to Send and Manage Connection Requests on Laterz Social

How to Send a Connection Request on Laterz Social?

How to Send a Connection Request on Laterz Social?

Sending a connection request is straightforward. Here's how you do it:

  1. Find a User: Navigate to 'Socialise' and locate the user's photo you're interested in connecting with.
  2. Send Request: Click on the "+" button on the user's profile.
  3. Manage Requests: You can accept or decline requests in 'Socialise' via the 'Requests' tab.
  4. Check Status: A tick icon will appear once the user has accepted your request.

You can also search for users near you by using the search icon.

Can I Send a Connection Request to Someone in a Different Location?

Yes, you can! Here's how:

  1. Navigate to your profile.
  2. Select 'Settings.'
  3. Choose 'Find User by Email/Phone Number.'

How to View Received Connection Requests?

To see your received requests:

  1. Go to 'Socialise.'
  2. Click on the 'Requests' tab.

Premium Feature

Boost your chances of connection requests being accepted by becoming a premium user and including a custom message with your request!

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